A year ago, a division of TechSoup Global began working on an app to allow donors to buy a hotel room for victims of domestic violence when no other shelter is available. Now that app is a finalist in a competition run by a foundation that combats human trafficking—and a win could mean a grant worth several hundred thousand dollars. The app’s evolution—adding a focus on sex slaves to the initial emphasis on domestic violence—was hardly accidental.
Caravan Studios, the TechSoup division that created the app, has embraced a new management approach popular in Silicon Valley known as “lean start-up.”
The principles, which are increasingly popular among nonprofits, emphasize experimentation over long-term planning and urge groups to get products and services out to clients as early as possible so the organizations can learn from feedback and make changes.
When the app, known as SafeNight, was still early in the design phase, Caravan posted details about the project on its website, including applications for grants that Caravan had not yet received. In lean-start-up lingo, Caravan put out a “minimal viable product” and hoped for feedback that would lead to a better app.
Caravan soon heard from antitrafficking organizations, which were interested in the same kind of service. Caravan eventually teamed up with the Polaris Project and the State of New Jersey, which were working on a similar app, to jointly create an app for the final round of the antitrafficking contest. Humanity United, the foundation sponsoring the contest, plans to award $1.8-million to as many as three winners later this month.
Marnie Webb, CEO of Caravan, which is building an array of apps designed to curb social problems, says lean-start-up principles help Caravan work faster and meet real needs.
“The central idea is that any product that we develop will get better if it lives as much of its life as possible outside of our office,” Ms. Webb says. “If we had kept SafeNight inside and polished it and polished it, it would have been super hard to bring on a partner because we would have invested too much.”
Started by Toyota
Lean manufacturing principles were pioneered a generation ago by Toyota, but the lean-start-up principles have bubbled up among for-profit tech firms only in the past few years.
In the past year, a Bay Area consulting firm that helps charities with marketing and technology created Lean Impact, which encourages greater use of lean-start-up principles at nonprofits.
The group has sponsored workshops that feature charities talking about how they use the lean approach in San Francisco and New York, and each event has drawn sold-out crowds of about 200. A third workshop is scheduled this week in Washington.
Lean Impact draws its inspiration from The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses, a 2011 book by Eric Ries.
Leah Neaderthal, one of Lean Impact’s founders, says similarities exist between for-profit start-ups and charities of all stripes.
“Entrepreneurs are cash strapped, and they don’t have enough people, but they have a lofty goal and they have to think about the best way to achieve that goal,” she says. “That sounds a lot like social-good organizations.”
TaroWorks, a division of the Grameen Foundation that is developing tools to allow organizations working in developing countries to get real-time data from their far-flung staff members, is a big user of lean methodology.
TaroWorks put its mobile-technology tool on the market in January 2013, when it was still rough around the edges, says Emily Tucker, TaroWorks’s executive director. But she says there was such pent-up demand for the product that early adopters didn’t care.
“If you’re addressing their pain in a fundamental way, they’ll overlook” the shortcomings, she says.
Those early sales allowed TaroWorks to identify what types of groups were interested in the product. Ms. Tucker thought the primary users would be large nonprofits that work internationally, but she found that most of them are focused on specific projects for which they already have funding and don’t “live and die” by the data they collect.
Instead, groups that use business principles to solve social ills internationally—organizations like d.light, Root Capital, and Spring Health—purchased the TaroWorks tool.
“They are running businesses,” Ms. Tucker says, “so they need to be lean and experimental.”
Social Movements
Nonprofits developing new tech tools are among the biggest users of lean-start-up ideas.
Upwell, an ocean-conservation organization founded in 2011, scans the web for lively ocean-related discussions and then pushes to turn them into full-fledged movements through social-media campaigns.
Lean principles urge groups to steer clear of “vanity metrics,” such as site visits, that may sound impressive but don’t reveal much. Upwell tracks only one number—“social mentions”—the much smaller group of people who actually say something about an issue online.
After identifying a hot topic, Upwell tries to assemble a social-media strategy within 24 hours—what it calls a “minimum viable campaign.”
“We do the least amount of work to get something out the door that will get results and information,” says Rachel Dearborn, Upwell’s campaign director.
Campaigns that don’t catch on are quickly scrapped. But campaigns that do catch on get more time, energy, and money from Upwell.
After Hurricane Sandy, in 2012, a prominent writer on ocean issues and others began pushing the idea that revitalizing the oyster beds near New York City could help protect the shore from future storm surges. Upwell’s “I (Oyster) New York” campaign featured a catchy logo and led to an even bigger spike in attention.
Some organizations that could hardly be called start-ups are also using lean principles. GuideStar, the 20-year-old aggregator of financial information about charities, is using the lean approach to develop tools more quickly that meet the needs of its users.
The lean process promotes short “build-measure-learn” cycles, in which a group frequently updates a product or service based on what it hears from its customers.
GuideStar and the Nonprofit Finance Fund have developed a tool called Financial Scan that allows charities to see how they compare with similar groups on various financial measures, such as their mix of earned revenue and grant funds.
When it analyzed who was using the tool, GuideStar found heavy interest from both foundations and accounting firms, says Evan Paul, GuideStar’s senior director of products and marketing.
In the future, he says, GuideStar may create three versions of Financial Scan to meet the distinct interests of charities, foundations, and accountants.
“We want to get more specific about how people are using our data to make decisions so that we can help make those decisions better and faster,” Mr. Paul says.
Get Out of the Building
Some charities that manufacture physical products have also adopted the lean philosophy.
Wello, which is creating a plastic water wheel to make water gathering in India faster and more efficient, has used lean principles throughout the design process.
Wello assumed its product would be used by women, who do most of the water gathering in low-income villages.
Wello tried pitching its prototype in women-only sessions, says Cynthia Koenig, Wello’s founder and CEO. But the men kept hanging around.
Lean principles refer to “getting out of the building”—taking a prototype to your clients to get the kind of firsthand feedback that will make the product even more useful.
By working directly with the people who would be purchasing its product, Wello learned that it should market the wheel to men as well as women.
“We could have been stuck in that loop for a long time, assuming that our market was comprised only of women,” Ms. Koenig says. “Lean helps you become very clear about what you know and what you don’t know.”
GlobalGiving, a charity website that matches donors with community-development projects overseas, has used lean principles to test whether the training it provides to groups that raise money through its site are making a difference. The lean methodology advocates this approach—called “A/B testing”—to identify what’s working and what’s not.
GlobalGiving compared a group of charities that went through a formal training-academy program—which included bi-weekly seminars and homework—against a control group that participated in a few webinars but didn’t complete a full course.
The groups that had the formal training raised much more money, says Kevin Conroy, GlobalGiving’s chief product officer.
GlobalGiving has responded by expanding the training academy this year.
GlobalGiving is also hoping that the groups that raise money on its site will begin using lean-like principles within their own organizations.
The nonprofit’s Storytelling Project, paid for by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, is an effort to learn what residents in countries such as Kenya think about the nonprofits that are serving them.
Through storytelling, TYSA (the Trans-Nzoia Youth Sports Association), a GlobalGiving partner that provides a range of services to children in the Rift Valley of Kenya, learned that girls were concerned about sexual assault and AIDS and issues related to reproductive health but weren’t getting much education on those topics.
After receiving that feedback, TYSA changed its curriculum to include more education on those topics and also worked to establish meetings between the girls in its programs and the local police, says Gichuki Francis, TYSA’s executive director.
Mr. Conroy says the lean notion of always staying close to your clients is useful advice, no matter where your programs are located.
“You can get lost in a bubble looking at what you can do to improve your own products and services,” Mr. Conroy says, “when what you should be doing is asking your clients about their problems that you’re not solving.”
Lean Start-Up: a Glossary of Terms for a Hot New Management Approach
Instead of spending considerable time developing a product or service for a big rollout, organizations should consider using a continuous feedback loop: “build” a program or service, even if it is not fully fleshed out; “measure” how clients are affected; and “learn” by improving the program or going in a new direction. Repeat the cycle.
Minimum Viable Product
An early version of a product or service that may be lacking some features. This approach allows an organization to obtain feedback from clients and quickly determine the usefulness of a product or service and how to improve it.
Get Out of the Building
To determine whether a product or service is needed, talk to clients and share your ideas with them before investing heavily.
A/B Testing
Create two versions of a product or service, show them to different groups, and see which performs best.
Failing Fast
By quickly realizing that a product or service isn’t viable, organizations save time and money and gain valuable information for their next effort.
Making a significant change in strategy when the early testing of a minimum viable product shows that the product or service isn’t working or isn’t needed.
Vanity Metrics
Measures that seem to provide a favorable picture but don’t accurately capture the impact of a product. An example might be a tally of website page views. A more meaningful measure—or an “actionable metric,” in the lean lexicon—might be the number of active users of an online service.
Sources: The Lean Startup, by Eric Ries; The Ultimate Dictionary of Lean for Social Good, a publication by Lean Impact