Amount donated in 2012: $137-million
Top beneficiary: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Other notable gifts: $35-million to the National Museum of Natural History; $20-million to Technology Children’s Centers at Vassar Street; $10-million to the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at the Mount Sinai Medical Center
Background: Mr. Koch is executive vice president of Koch Industries, an industrial conglomerate that was founded by his father, Fred C. Koch.
Mr. Koch, 72, made three large commitments in 2012. He pledged $65-million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to redesign its outdoor plaza, $35-million to the National Museum of Natural History to build a new dinosaur exhibit hall, and $10-million to the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at the Mount Sinai Medical Center to establish the David H. and Julia Koch Research Program in Food Allergy Therapeutics. He did not disclose a payment schedule.
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