Amount donated in 2014: $180-million
Top beneficiaries: Democracy Fund, HopeLab, Humanity United, Omidyar Network, and the Ulupono Initiative
Background: Mr. Omidyar founded the online auction company eBay. Ms. Omidyar is chairwoman of HopeLab, a nonprofit that develops technology to help critically ill children.
The Omidyars, who are both 47, gave $180-million to the nonprofit branch of Democracy Fund, an organization the couple started in 2011 to try to combat extreme partisanship in politics and public discourse; HopeLab; Humanity United, which supports efforts to fight slavery and mass atrocities around the globe; the nonprofit arm of the Omidyar Network; and the Ulupono Initiative, a Honolulu charity the supports groups focused on the environment, local agriculture, and sustainable energy.
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