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Gary D. Bass

Gary D. Bass is Executive Director Emeritus of the Bauman Foundation.

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Stories by This Author

  • Opinion

    Ahead of the Curve: Patricia Bauman Set the Standard for Multiyear Giving

    Long before it was common, Bauman devoted family assets to protecting democracy — and acted as a tugboat to pull wealthier foundations into the cause.
  • Opinion

    What Nonprofit Advocate Pablo Eisenberg Taught Us All About Fighting for Change

    Pablo Eisenberg, who died last week, was unparalleled in bringing passion, energy, and fierceness to the fight for justice. See also a tribute to him by the Chronicle’s editor.
  • Opinion

    Lessons for Philanthropy From the 2020 Census

    Foundations and nonprofits joined forces at the national and local levels in ways that ensure that even the pandemic and political threats didn’t get in the way of an accurate count, an essential move given how important the census is to achieving grant makers’ missions.
  • Opinion

    A New Move to Limit the Census Will Harm Virtually Every Cause

    Foundations and nonprofits need to do all they can to oppose the Commerce Department’s plan to cut short the count, say the leaders of five foundations.
  • Opinion

    The Pandemic Has Revealed the Weaknesses in Our Democracy (Opinion)

    Philanthropy’s focus is rightfully on urgent needs, but we must also do all we can to ensure that the voices of those hurt most by the coronavirus are heard in the 2020 elections and census count.
  • Opinion

    Opinion: Every Person Counts: Why Philanthropy Must Help Save the Census

    Nearly all foundation missions will be harmed if the every-decade survey is hampered by low participation among immigrants, cyberattacks, or any in a range of other problems, say foundation leaders Gary Bass, Antonia Hernández, Barbara Picower, and Darren Walker.
  • Opinion

    Opinion: Trump Era Requires Surge of Grant Making to Aid Democracy

    Just 1.5 percent of grants go to efforts to improve how elections work and other key issues; increasing that to 4 percent could curb gridlock and partisanship.
  • Opinion

    How Philanthropy Can Help Fix Democracy

    Eric Cantor’s loss in a Virginia primary race shows the importance of how election maps are drawn; more foundations need to take heed.
  • Opinion

    IRS Plan on Nonprofit Political Work Undermines Democracy

    The tax agency is right to clarify muddy rules, but its approach overly restricts legitimate efforts to educate voters and encourage them to go to the polls.
  • Opinion

    After the Shutdown: an Action Plan for Foundations

    The budget battles that will occur in coming months make it essential for grant makers to use their grants and their influence to change how Washington works.