Mark Rosenman
Nonprofit Activist
Mark Rosenman is professor emeritus of Union Institute and University.
Stories by This Author
What Nonprofit Advocate Pablo Eisenberg Taught Us All About Fighting for Change
Pablo Eisenberg, who died last week, was unparalleled in bringing passion, energy, and fierceness to the fight for justice. See also a tribute to him by the Chronicle’s editor. -
Charities Should Fight for Fairer Tax Laws (Opinion)
Charity tax deductions get all the attention from nonprofits, but what really affects their work and missions is the lack of tax money to fund programs for the vulnerable. -
Opinion: Nonprofits Must Rally Americans to the Ballot Box to Protect the Needy
As voters and lawmakers focus on the midterm elections, it’s essential to support grass-roots organizing and advocacy against policies that would shred America’s safety net. -
Opinion: Why Do Americans Distrust Big Nonprofits? Here’s a Case Study.
After Congress bashed wealthy institutions in reshaping the tax law, a squabble in the nation’s capital over actions by a rich university demonstrate why lawmakers and citizens want to change the ground rules. -
Opinion: Grass-Roots Power and Smart Foundation Spending Can Combat Draconian GOP Safety-Net Cuts
Mobilizing donors and volunteers is key, but that takes money from foundations, which must overcome both their arrogance and their self-serving timidity to focus on fixing our democracy. -
Opinion: Nonprofits and the People They Serve Lose Big in Tax Overhaul Bills
The loss of incentives to give, coupled with changes in education and health care are bad enough. Add the politicizing of charities and the meddling in nonprofit affairs and it’s a disaster. -
Opinion: Trump Era Requires Surge of Grant Making to Aid Democracy
Just 1.5 percent of grants go to efforts to improve how elections work and other key issues; increasing that to 4 percent could curb gridlock and partisanship. -
Opinion: Don’t Change the Tax Rules on Advocacy by Nonprofits or Donors
The Washington tax debate is prompting two contradictory plans — one to end the ban on partisan politicking by nonprofits and another to limit tax deductions for donors who seek to influence policy. -
Opinion: Nonprofits and Foundations Must Move Fast to Battle Trump
The charity world has the confidence and trust of Americans, and it’s time to put that to use to fend off draconian federal spending cuts. -
Opinion: Fighting Trump’s Bullying Requires Nonprofit Vigilance
Nonprofits can expect the same threats to free speech and association that charities in Russia and elsewhere face.