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Lessons from a Pandemic: Nonprofits Reach More People Without Spending More

When the Covid-19 crisis hit, nonprofits scrambled to redesign the ways they work, moving in-person programs and outreach online as much possible. For many of these groups, the emergency sparked innovations that will lead to lasting changes that improve and extend the reach of vital services.

How did some leaders expand their missions to meet critical needs that are likely to outlast current crises? What can you learn from groups that adapted and grew despite daunting challenges?

Join us for this one-hour discussion to learn how several leaders identified opportunities within the crisis, kept expenses under control, and took calculated risks that paid off.

You’ll learn from leaders whose missions include providing mentors to disadvantaged children, bringing fresh produce to communities in need of healthier food, and organizing business competitions that pair corporate employees and middle schoolers to create winning solutions to real-world business problems. Our guests will share their experiences and explain how the lessons they learned can help other leaders create stronger organizations.