Cover Story
Staff Picks of 2020
Reimagine Everything
Giving cash instead of services, arts groups taking on civics and racial healing, and more ways nonprofits are rethinking their work in the wake of 2020’s crises.
Finance and Revenue
New Report Offers 4 Scenarios for How Covid and the Economy’s Fall Will Reshape the Nonprofit World
As many as 40 percent of charities could be wiped out, according to one forecast — but grant makers and nonprofits could also seize new ways to advance their missions. -
Reimagining Philanthropy
What Now? The Philanthropic Future Our Democracy Needs
This year of crisis has forced us to take a hard look at the rules and assumptions that shape philanthropy. In the process we’ve learned a lot about ourselves and where we need to go next. -
Reimagining Philanthropy
Digital Dependence Has Obliterated the Notion of Nonprofit Independence
Nonprofits and foundations need to embrace alternative technologies, organizations, and public policies that reduce the reliance on big tech and allow for safe use of digital tools. -
Reimagining Philanthropy
Confronting Philanthropy’s Uncomfortable Truths
Nonprofits and foundations hoping to address our interconnected health and racial-justice crises need to be prepared to take on the societal systems that created them — and that have allowed their own organizations to flourish. -
Reimagining Philanthropy
The Current Economic Crisis Is an Opportunity to Reset Philanthropic Priorities
As nonprofits struggle during the pandemic, informal community-based networks of care are thriving. Understanding that phenomenon will help the philanthropic world rebuild into something better. -
Reimagining Philanthropy
Let’s Dismantle Toxic Tax Policies That Feed Big Philanthropy
Philanthropic fortunes, created at the expense of shared investment in government programs, will not and cannot solve problems such as structural racism and inequitable public support for everything from health care to housing.
Special Report
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Q&A on the Chronicle’s Report on Diversity Work and Staffing
The Chronicle of Philanthropy has undertaken multiple efforts in the past year to ensure our work and operations reflect the diversity of the nation. To do that, we have undertaken an intensive yearlong coaching effort for our newsroom and have just released an independent analysis to show the…
With Safaris on Hold, a Conservation Nonprofit Restarts Small In-Person Events
For the last 20 years, the African Wildlife Foundation’s safari program has helped it connect with high-net-worth donors and prospective board members. With travel ground to a halt, the group is staying connected with supporters through virtual and small in-person events. -
Why A Theater Committed to Diversity Paused Fundraising After George Floyd’s Killing
ArtsEmerson’s executive director, who is Black, and its chief fundraiser, who is white, tell the Chronicle about the frank conversations they’ve had during the nation’s racial-justice reckoning — and what they wish other fundraisers would rethink.
Face of Philanthropy
From ‘Decade of Death’ to Jobs and New Lives
The pandemic has added challenges to the work of Greg Boyle’s Homeboy Industries, but it is still providing job training, substance-abuse assistance, and other services without furloughing any employees. -
Tools and Advice
How to Advance Pay Equity at Your Nonprofit
Experts share simple steps managers can take to ensure fair compensation for women, people of color, and other groups that are often underpaid. -
What Big Donors Are Thinking
Three philanthropists talk about their approaches to giving in the time of Covid, racial unrest, and economic devastation.
Staff Picks of 2020
Black Donor Silence Is a Call to Action — Not a Retreat
When Black donors don’t respond to solicitations, fundraisers generally assume they’re uninterested or disengaged. This is a faulty and dangerous interpretation — and it needs to change.