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October 2020

The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Volume 32, Issue 12

Cover Story

  • Staff Picks of 2020

    Reimagine Everything

    Giving cash instead of services, arts groups taking on civics and racial healing, and more ways nonprofits are rethinking their work in the wake of 2020’s crises.


Special Report



  • Face of Philanthropy

    From ‘Decade of Death’ to Jobs and New Lives

    The pandemic has added challenges to the work of Greg Boyle’s Homeboy Industries, but it is still providing job training, substance-abuse assistance, and other services without furloughing any employees.
  • Tools and Advice

    How to Advance Pay Equity at Your Nonprofit

    Experts share simple steps managers can take to ensure fair compensation for women, people of color, and other groups that are often underpaid.
  • News

    What Big Donors Are Thinking

    Three philanthropists talk about their approaches to giving in the time of Covid, racial unrest, and economic devastation.


  • Staff Picks of 2020

    Black Donor Silence Is a Call to Action — Not a Retreat

    When Black donors don’t respond to solicitations, fundraisers generally assume they’re uninterested or disengaged. This is a faulty and dangerous interpretation — and it needs to change.