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Sept. 1, 2021

The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Volume 33, Issue 11

Cover Story

  • Giving

    What Drives Direct Giving and Why It Matters to Nonprofits

    Whether the popularity of direct giving is a sign that nonprofits aren’t winning the trust or hearts of some portion of the giving public remains an open question. But it’s critical that nonprofits pay attention and take all kinds of giving seriously — including that which doesn’t pass through formal charitable structures.


  • Direct Giving

    Mutual-Aid Groups Ponder What’s Next

    Neighbors came together to help one another with food and other basic needs during the pandemic. Some of the volunteer-led efforts are now seeking nonprofit status.
  • Individual Giving

    A Big Example of Direct Giving

    A Minneapolis couple try to give away all of their considerable income each year. Most contributions go to nonprofits, but for the past decade, they’ve increased their giving to individuals. Here’s why.
  • Individual Giving

    Many Attractive Elements of Direct Giving Also Have Downsides

    The potential for scams, the challenges to scale effectively, and the potential to amplify existing inequities are just a few of the drawbacks of direct giving through crowdfunding campaigns, payment apps, and other technologies.




  • Opinion

    Most Nonprofits Are Highly Effective. Check the Data.

    Over the past six years, ImpactMatters and then Charity Navigator analyzed data on both the cost effectiveness and overall success of nonprofits. They came to a clear conclusion: The myth of nonprofit ineffectiveness is just that — a myth.
  • Opinion

    Philanthropy Must Confront This Era of Catastrophe With a Moonshot Response

    If grant makers don’t act quickly and boldly to address the twin crises of climate change and threats to democracy, the future costs may be insurmountable. The philanthropic world needs to come together in a massive and coordinated effort to confront these existential threats.