Your nonprofit is only as good as its employees.
When searching for new fundraisers, organizations should evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their current staff and determine what areas they need to improve or expand.
“You have to be able to very clearly understand the assets you’re looking for in a person to fill the position,” says Gary Laermer, chief development officer at the YMCA of Greater New York. “Not only are you looking for an effective communicator, you have to effectively communicate what it is you’re looking to identify.”
Whether your organization wants to hire its first director of development, expand the fundraising staff, or fill a vacant position, finding someone who is right for your organization may not be an easy task.
The supply of qualified fundraisers is smaller than demand. More than half of nonprofit executives reported that their most recent search for a director of development failed to bring in a sufficient number of candidates with the right mix of skills and experience for the job, according to a 2013 report by CompassPoint Nonprofit Services and the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr., Fund.
Below are links to content from The Chronicle that will help you make the best hires for your crucial fundraising positions.
How to Set Your Organization Up to Hire the Right Fundraiser
Involve relevant staff in the process, be mindful of your budget, ask probing questions, and more expert advice. -
5 Tips for Writing a Better Fundraising Job Description
Nonprofit consultants and executive-search professionals share their advice for writing a strong job description for your next open position. -
12 Tips for Hiring the Candidates You Want
A recruiter offers foolproof steps to finding the right employees. -
Behind the Scenes of a Fundraiser Search: the Job Seeker’s Perspective
The new director of gift planning at Pennsylvania State University talks about his recent job search. Here’s what other charities can learn from his experience. -
Advice: Making the Most of Reference Checks: Plan, Probe, and Get a Rounded Picture
Tips from a Boston-based recruiter whose firm performs executive searches for nonprofit organizations seeking experienced fundraisers. -
How the University of Virginia Took a More Proactive Approach to Recruiting Fundraisers
The university’s fundraising recruiter shares the tools and tips she’s found effective, including starting a database of potential candidates. -
Job Description: A Director of Gift Planning at Penn State
The university’s new external development job descriptions now include more information about the school and community.