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Appealing to Women Donors

Women to Watch

Research shows that women, whether wealthy or not, outpace men at similar income levels when it comes to charitable giving.

But female donors respond to different fundraising tactics than male givers do, and few nonprofits are actively working to attract and cultivate women supporters. To be successful, experts say, you should weave a women-focused strategy into your overall fundraising, not think of it as a separate program.

“Evaluate your fundraising practices to determine what you can do to take advantage of women’s growing philanthropic impact,” says Michele Rebeor, a consultant who helps charities engage women donors. “If you do nothing, you’re leaving money on the table for other nonprofits to collect.”

You can take a few simple steps to get started. For example, review your communications materials to ensure women are well represented, create volunteer committees that include women and inspire them to get their friends and colleagues involved, and make sure your database enables you to properly address, acknowledge, and connect with female contributors.

It’s also important to show women the impact of their gifts, experts say, and give them meaningful ways to participate in your work.

This collection offers more advice, tools, and other resources to help you design or perfect your approach for appealing to women donors.

A version of this article appeared in the June 1, 2016 issue.