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Fundraising in Unsettled Times: America’s Favorite Charities 2021

Program: In Mathare Slum Nairobi, MOH officials conduct a fumigation exercise  supported by Save the Children.

Expected outcome: To reduce the rate of infection within Mathare valley which has a population of approximately 180,000 people

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 virus). The COVID-19 virus is transmitted mainly through close physical contact and respiratory droplets. Transmission of the COVID-19 virus has been linked to contaminated environmental surfaces and close contact between individuals within closed settings, such as households, health facilities, assisted living and residential institution environments. This fumigation exercise targets health facilities and public spaces in Mathare to reduce the rate of infection within Mathare valley

United Way Worldwide, the Salvation Army, and St. Jude Children’s Hospital topped the Chronicle’s annual ranking of the 100 nonprofits that raise the most in cash and stock contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations.

In a year beset with a public-health emergency, basic-needs groups did very well. Overall, though, giving to big charities grew modestly in 2020 — just 2.7 percent when adjusted for inflation. The wealthiest donors drove giving last year. Their very large gifts helped stave off the worst effects of the economic downturn.