Midlevel donors can get overshadowed by major contributors to nonprofits. Although they make up only 1 percent of the donor pool, midlevel donors account for 34 percent of gifts, said Alia McKee, principal at Sea Change Strategies, in a Chronicle of Philanthropy webinar.
Many middle donors become loyal supporters and represent significant potential, but only if nonprofits treat them well. This collection of resources can help you identify and nurture some of your most important supporters.
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How Small Charities Can Build Midlevel-Donor Programs
Midlevel donors are an important but overlooked group of donors. If properly engaged though, they will keep on giving year after year and can become a nonprofit’s most loyal donors. -
Many Charities Are Doing More to Woo Donors of Middle-Size Gifts
Thanks to the economy and advances in technology, charities are starting to pay more attention to donors who don’t give quite enough to get the extra perks lavished on those who give the largest sums. -
How to Inspire Midlevel Donors to Give More
Fundraisers who focus on $1,000-to-$25,000 gifts share strategies for building a coterie of loyal supporters with appeals that combine broad reach and a personal touch. -
A Stewardship Plan for Midlevel Donors
The American Farmland Trust developed a simple tool for managing outreach to $1,000-plus contributors. -
6 Steps to Building a Program for Midlevel Donors
People who give $1,000 to $10,000 represent only 1 percent of donors at many charities, but they often give more than a third of the money raised. Here’s how to attract them to your nonprofit. -
Keys to Midlevel Donor Success: Collaboration and Engagement
Midlevel donors are an important but often overlooked source of gifts at many nonprofits. -
Money in the Middle
One group’s appeals to midlevel donors tries to bring them closer to the organization’s purpose rather than on plying them with trinkets and perks. -
Deciding Which Donors Merit Special Attention
Charities need to put more thought into which donors of midsize gifts should get special perks, says a fund-raising consultant. -
A “Non-Gala” Direct Mailing Gets a Big Response From Mid-Level Donors
The mailing, which featured paper dolls, had a response rate of more than 13 percent.