Many donors give directly to people in need, but those contributions don’t show up in traditional measures of generosity. Still, nonprofits need to pay attention. Without understanding the full scope of how and why people give, they may fail to build ties with generous people.
What Drives Direct Giving and Why It Matters to Nonprofits
Whether the popularity of direct giving is a sign that nonprofits aren’t winning the trust or hearts of some portion of the giving public remains an open question. But it’s critical that nonprofits pay attention and take all kinds of giving seriously — including that which doesn’t pass through formal charitable structures. -
Direct Giving
Mutual-Aid Groups Ponder What’s Next
Neighbors came together to help one another with food and other basic needs during the pandemic. Some of the volunteer-led efforts are now seeking nonprofit status. -
Individual Giving
A Big Example of Direct Giving
A Minneapolis couple try to give away all of their considerable income each year. Most contributions go to nonprofits, but for the past decade, they’ve increased their giving to individuals. Here’s why. -
Individual Giving
Many Attractive Elements of Direct Giving Also Have Downsides
The potential for scams, the challenges to scale effectively, and the potential to amplify existing inequities are just a few of the drawbacks of direct giving through crowdfunding campaigns, payment apps, and other technologies. -
Diverse Donors Led the Shift to Social- and Racial-Justice Giving in 2020, New Report Says
Foundations and companies turned to leaders and donors of color to help guide their racial-justice giving. -
Online Fundraising
Crowdfunding Continues to Gain Traction as a Fundraising Tool
Roughly 32 percent of people say they donate to a crowdfunding effort each year, according to a survey. Nine out of 10 respondents said they’d continue to give the same amount or more to crowdfunding efforts over the next three years. -
What Big Philanthropy Can Learn From the Citizen Networks Helping Us Survive Today’s Crises
Neighbors have informally created mutual-aid efforts that provide hand sanitizers, masks, bail for protesters, and other necessities. The democratic approach to giving aid is a model for how philanthropy can make a bigger difference.