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As new concerns have been raised about the deterioration of democratic norms and institutions in the United States, foundations, donors, and nonprofits have been seeking to use their clout and dollars to turn things around. The Chronicle is providing continuing coverage of these efforts, including these previous articles:
Foundations, It’s Time to Give 1% of Your Assets to Fix Democracy (Opinion)
Today just one tenth of 1 percent goes to nonprofits that focus on this vital cause. We are all paying the price. -
Achieving Justice for All Should Command Philanthropy’s Attention in 2020 Elections (Opinion)
Foundations are putting a lot of money into election security and other issues, but strengthening democracy only matters if everyone has equal access to opportunity. -
We Need Big Ideas. Philanthropy Has Them. (Opinion)
In many ways, foundations — which have helped launch Head Start, Pell Grants, and the 911 emergency call system — can do more than government. The Carnegie Corporation’s Medal of Philanthropy awards, being given Wednesday, highlight continuing nonprofit innovation. -
Foundation Giving
Mission Critical: How Philanthropy Is Trying to Help Save Democracy
A growing number of grant makers of all ideologies see restoring constructive dialogue among citizens and fairness at the ballot box as vital to their causes. -
Everything Philanthropy Cares About Depends on a Strong Democracy. Here’s What We Can Do to Stop the Deterioration. (Opinion)
Making sure everyone’s vote is counted, that no misinformation skews the campaign, and that all Americans have a chance to participate are critical — and all would benefit from an investment by grant makers. -
How Foundations Can Ensure Capitalism Serves Democracy (Opinion)
Make grants to groups led by people of color and those on the front lines. Build strong advocacy movements. And eliminate the structural bias and privilege that afflict philanthropic institutions whose financial assets are the product of inequality. -
Opinion: Every Person Counts: Why Philanthropy Must Help Save the Census
Nearly all foundation missions will be harmed if the every-decade survey is hampered by low participation among immigrants, cyberattacks, or any in a range of other problems, say foundation leaders Gary Bass, Antonia Hernández, Barbara Picower, and Darren Walker. -
Foundation Leaders Call for Protecting Special-Counsel Robert Mueller’s Investigation
An unusual letter, backed by the heads of more than 40 foundations and charities, expressed concerns about the appointment of the Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, saying President Trump is not above the law.