This collection profiles individuals who are driving conversations about equity in the nonprofit world.
A fundraiser with a podcast. A CEO whose tweets started a movement. A grant maker with a gift for storytelling. These and other leaders deliver messages that aim to challenge, inspire, and bring about change.
Talking About Equity
An Activist Turned Mainstream Environmental Leader Argues That Racism Is Killing the Planet
The Sierra Club’s Hop Hopkins makes the case that the environmental movement will never achieve its goals until it joins the fight for racial justice. -
Talking About Equity
A Celebrated Advocate Makes Her Private Life Public to Show That a Disability Is More Than a Diagnosis
Ford Foundation’s Rebecca Cokley argues that grant makers must change how they view disabilities. -
Talking About Equity
What Love-Based Activism Means for Today’s Racial-Equity Movement
Interfaith Youth Core founder Eboo Patel argues that social-justice efforts can learn from Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela. -
Talking About Equity
How a Series of Tweets Led to a Gender-Equity Campaign for Men to Embrace ‘Ally’ as a Verb
What began as a call-out on Twitter by the National Council of Jewish Women’s Sheila Katz snowballed into expert recommendations. -
Talking About Equity
Philanthropy Newcomer Becomes Insider and Challenges the Status Quo
Se-ah-dom Edmo, the rare American Indian to lead a grant maker, says conventional philanthropy has done little to advance the equity it claims to cherish. Plus: Read profiles of 15 professionals whose ideas, writing, activism, and work are driving conversations about equity. -
Talking About Equity
A Texas Nonprofit Tackles the Lack of Board Diversity in One of America’s Most Diverse Cities
Mando Rayo’s New Philanthropists is building a pipeline of people of color. -
Talking About Equity
An Unorthodox View of Equity From a Black Pastor Fighting Poverty and Violence on Chicago’s South Side
Pastor Corey Brooks, founder of Project H.O.O.D. in one of Chicago’s toughest neighborhood, focuses his work on accountability and responsibility. Plus, read the rest of the profiles from our October issue spotlighting people who are driving conversations about equity. -
Talking About Equity
Fundraiser Turns to Podcasting to Shine a Spotlight on Black Development Professionals
A longtime fundraiser, Kia Croom, gives other Black philanthropy professionals a space to underline their value to the field and find support.