Five in six U.S. billionaires have declined to sign on. Created nearly a decade ago by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, the plan was meant to boost philanthropy, especially among the wealthiest people in the world.
The Chronicle takes a data-driven look at the progress that’s been made toward that goal. Our searchable interactive database provides eight years of data on how much 74 U.S. signatories have given to their foundations, along with other details.
Articles, charts, and lists provide additional analysis, context, and data about the people on the list who have taken the pledge.
Major Gifts
Has the Giving Pledge Changed Giving?
A proposal unveiled nearly a decade ago was intended to turbocharge philanthropy. There’s little evidence so far it’s doing that. -
How Much U.S. Giving Pledge Members Donate to Their Foundations
An interactive guide to how much they give annually and their foundations’ assets and grant making. Plus, see the donors’ estimated net worth. -
Major Gifts
How the Giving Pledge Pushes Smarter Philanthropy
The Gates Foundation organizes gatherings aimed at helping the world’s billionaires do more good with their money, but the secretive nature of those sessions makes it difficult to assess their impact. -
Major Gifts
Giving Pledge Myths Debunked
Nearly a decade after its launch, the Giving Pledge still inspires hype and hope. The fanfare gilds the reality of the results so far. -
Foundation Giving
Billionaire Jeff Skoll Sings the Praises of the Giving Pledge
The first president of eBay, who signed the pledge in 2010, says it has had a profound impact on his life and his philanthropy.