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How to Pitch a Story to Us
The Chronicle of Philanthropy welcomes news pitches that pertain to nonprofit organizations and foundations, but in a typical week, our reporting staff receives hundreds of them. Here are a few things to know about contacting us.
Sending Your Pitch
The best ways to determine where to send your pitch:
- Subscribe to our Philanthropy Today newsletter so you can get a sense of who’s covering what.
- Refer to the contact information at the bottom of this page to find a list of our reporters.
- Unless something is urgent breaking news, we prefer email to telephone.
- Send pitches to either one reporter or one editor or, if you’re not sure, copy no more than two staff members on one message. Sending separate emails to multiple people or bcc’ing our staff can lead to confusion and will likely delay our response.
- Use your email’s subject line to state your purpose: “Story idea about a successful billion-dollar capital campaign,” for instance. Avoid being cute (“You’ll never guess what WE did!”) or vague (“Press release from Such-and-Such Organization”). We’re eager to hear your news, but we’re pressed for time, and these types of subject lines make it more likely your pitch will be deleted without being opened.
Kinds of News Stories We Prefer
- We’re writing for a national audience so if you have a compelling local story, it should also be relevant to nonprofit practitioners across the country.
- If we’ve just written about a similar development at a different organization, we probably won’t cover it again soon.
- We like: stories about best or innovative practices in fundraising and managing organizations. Profiles of interesting (and especially effective but lesser-known) charity leaders, fundraisers, and donors. New trends in giving or fundraising. Anything that our readers can learn from and adapt to make them more effective.
- We usually don’t cover: galas, celebrity events, groundbreakings and ribbon cuttings, gifts of less than $1 million unless they are out of the ordinary.
Special Submissions, Surveys, and Visits
- We maintain a database of gift and grant announcements, some of which we run online each week, as well as a column about job changes, retirements, and obituaries of people in the nonprofit world. Send grant announcements (of $1 million or more) to, announcements of gifts from individuals (of $1 million and up) to, and personnel changes to We include only a small selection of grants, gifts, and people news online each week. Please do not call to see when your item is running or if we received it.
- If you have questions or comments about our surveys, email us at
- If a nonprofit leader will be in Washington and would like to visit our office, email a member of our editorial staff listed below. We try to accommodate such visits whenever possible.
Opinion Pieces and Letters to the Editor
The Chronicle’s Opinion section is designed to spark robust debate about all aspects of the nonprofit world. We welcome submissions that provide new insights and promote innovative thinking about leadership, fundraising, grant-making policy, and more.
We welcome submissions from people within and outside of the nonprofit world, and we especially appreciate articles about timely topics. Most of the pieces we publish are about 1,000 to 1,200 words, but we are willing to review articles that are somewhat longer.
A few tips to improve your chances of getting the piece accepted:
- Provide backup to show that your article is based on solid facts, including relevant links to research or other articles that support your argument.
- Avoid using the op-ed primarily to promote your organization. If the piece focuses on lessons your organization has learned from a program or strategy, also include examples or research from other groups to back up your points and broaden the op-ed’s appeal to a cross-section of readers.
- Avoid jargon that may be part of everyday conversation in your field but could be unfamiliar or confusing to a larger audience.
- Phrase your arguments as provocatively as you can. Our goal is to encourage lively discussion and question conventional wisdom, as appropriate.
You may submit a finished article or make a pitch by email first.
If you are submitting an article, please do so by email, either with an attached Word document or in the body of the email. Include a short pitch explaining its key points. All submissions must be exclusive to the Chronicle of Philanthropy. We will let you know, typically within a week, if we will run your piece. Please send your submission to
All pieces accepted will be edited, and authors will have a chance to review the changes before they appear on our website. Select articles published online also appear in our monthly print edition.
We also welcome letters to the editor. Send them to
Interested in Exploring a Partnership With Us?
For information about how to partner with us on content sharing or story distribution, contact Jim Rendon, Senior Writer and Fellowship Director.
Chronicle Leadership
Chief Executive Officer Stacy Palmer
Chief Revenue Officer Rodney Mahone
Chief Operating Officer Amy Markham
Editor-in-Chief: Andrew Simon
Senior Director, Development Michael Brown
Senior Director, Technology: Adam Nekola
Senior Director, Nonprofit Intelligence Margie Fleming Glennon
Features Editor Nicole Wallace
Senior Editor, Special Projects Drew Lindsay
Senior Editor, Partnerships Tamara Straus
Senior Editor Ben Gose
Editor-at-Large George Anders
Senior Writer and Fellowship Director Jim Rendon
Senior Writers Stephanie Beasley, Eden Stiffman
Senior Reporters Alex Daniels, Maria Di Mento
Staff Reporter Sara Herschander
Senior Editor, Fundraising Rasheeda Childress
Senior Editor, Opinion Amy Saltzman
Deputy Editor, Opinion Nandita Raghuram
Copy Desk
Senior Editor, Copy Marilyn Dickey
Copy Editor Sam-Omar Hall
Art Director Elizabeth Haugh
Photo Editor T.J. Kirkpatrick
Designer Austin Stahl
Nonprofit Intelligence
Senior Editor, Advice Lisa Schohl
Senior Editor, Webinars Tara Bracco
Senior Editor, Nonprofit Intelligence Emily Haynes
Editorial Events Manager Kyle Johnson
Controller Jim Guerra
Head of Human Resources Angela Cheng-Cimini
Marketing and Audience Development
Director, Audience Development and Marketing Nick Adams
Social Media and Audience Manager Krista Niles
Director, Institutional Sales and Engagement Steve Strother
Senior Manager, Marketing Operations Jenny Nauman
Senior Directors, Business Development Chris Leighton and Tiffany Stamps
Sales Director Erica Vitale
Director, Sales Strategy and Business Development Justin Moore
Sponsored Content Services
Director, Sponsored Content Services Sally Holland
Advertising Operations
Senior Manager, Advertising Operations Khloe Davis
Operations Assistant Madelyn Pineault
Manager, Development Katie Harding
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Washington, D.C. 20037,
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Washington: (202) 466-1212
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