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Philanthropy & Nonprofit Accountability Fellowship Application



Application opens: December 1, 2024
Application deadline extended: February 14, 2025.
Notification date: March 14, 2025
Fellowship duration: April 1, 2025 - March 31, 2026

Fellows publish stories through their own news outlets. They may be published any time during the fellowship, and all fellows must publish four or more stories stemming from one or more in-depth projects before March 31, 2026.

The fellowship is open to all news organizations in the United States, with preference given to those that are local or regional.


Submit a proposal describing your project or projects and articles that could result from your reporting as well as data or other storytelling elements. We are looking for substantial projects that will take a year to complete. Each project, if there is more than one, should be presented in 1,250 words or fewer. In the proposal, please discuss the following:

  • The role that philanthropy or nonprofits play in the project you are proposing and what you’d like to learn about them.
  • Why this subject is important to your audience.
  • How your story will identify solutions or ideas for action in your community or region. Our goal is to support reporting that does more than identify problems. It should help your audience learn about solutions and possibly find ways to engage with nonprofits working on important issues.
  • How your reporting will reflect a diversity of sources that have a wide range of perspectives, including those directly affected by the topic of the reporting.

Each application must also include the following:

  • Information about your publication and the community it serves.
  • Names and titles of editors and reporters who will carry out the work, along with their resumes.
  • A proposed timeline for the year of work; we know some things will change along the way.
  • How you envision the Chronicle working with you to help shape your project, such as guidance you’d like from the Chronicle in finding sources, data, public documents, and more to enrich your reporting.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest, such as applications for other grants or connections to organizations you’ll be covering.

Please also include the following:

  • PDFs of two stories that show the team’s reporting and writing ability. We’re especially eager to see articles that demonstrate your ability to showcase solutions to complex problems or pieces that hold organizations and people accountable.
  • A signed letter from your top editor authorizing your team’s participation in the fellowship.

For more information, see our fellowship page and our FAQs. And read stories written by our fellows.

If you have questions or need further information, contact Jim Rendon, the Chronicle’s fellowship director.

Email these items to: no later than February 14, 2025.