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Paid for and created by Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University

Kellogg School Center for Nonprofit Management Introduces New Program on Team Effectiveness and Updated Equity Program

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The Kellogg School Center for Nonprofit Management is a world-renowned provider of Nonprofit Executive Education, offering professional development programs to help nonprofit leaders overcome some of the top challenges facing organizations today. With over 20 years of experience, the Center has become a leading resource for social impact leaders from across the globe seeking to enhance their skills, knowledge and impact.

The Center stays abreast of trends in the sector through their deep knowledge and experience, plus their relationships with leaders throughout the social impact sector. Working with thousands of nonprofit leaders each year, they quickly learn from and respond to the needs of those leaders. In the last year, they have found leaders zeroing in on their teams and building equity and inclusion into the day-to-day operations of their organizations.

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To dive in a bit deeper…

Instilling a spirit of trust, teamwork and a sense of belonging in an organization is no easy task. The leadership skills and strategies necessary to optimize team member performance are constantly changing. And, a high-performing team is only as powerful as its members feeling supported, empowered and as though they belong.

According to, “The challenge will be authentic inclusion — truly welcoming, respecting and including each other versus breaking into camps, tribes or groups. The most successful leaders will focus on flexibility and growth, supporting their workforce, and building common ground and authentic inclusion for all people.” (3 Trends For Nonprofit Success In 2023 ( This means leaders are tasked with creating inclusive cultures where all members can contribute and thrive.

The good news? It’s a matter of leaders taking the time to learn what is proven to work.

Elise Madrick of the Center for Nonprofit Management has been designing Executive Education programs related to nonprofit leadership and talent management for years and built the Center’s newest program Maximizing Team Effectiveness: Building & Leading High Impact Teams. Elise shared, “I have the privilege of working with thousands of nonprofit leaders each year. In the last year, one of the challenges that inevitably comes up in every conversation is how leaders can best support their teams.” She knew this was an area the Center must address. Launching in September 2023, the program goes beyond the basics, covering topics like team design, diversity and the art of complementing each other’s gifts to achieve peak team performance. Expert Kellogg faculty will teach nonprofit executives how to boost team management skills like giving and receiving feedback, negotiating both within and as a team and running effective meetings. Gaining valuable insights related to team dynamics and leadership skills will be a stepping stone for nonprofit leaders, enabling them to build more effective organizations.


How does one go about that?

“It comes down to creating an environment where all employees can thrive,” says the Center’s Jennifer Paul. Elise and Jennifer have been highly focused on integrating DEI education throughout their programs since 2018. They’ve been thrilled to see the growing desire for leadership education in this area, and as leaders have become more familiar with and focused on the advancement of DEI, they need advanced tools and strategies to match. In response, the duo recently relaunched The Impact of Equity: Leaders Activating Change to focus on what leaders can do to go beyond knowledge acquisition and gain the skills and practices necessary to operationalize equity and inclusion.

In addition to these programs, the Center offers a variety of other programs addressing the challenges facing nonprofit leaders today. They provide fundraising programs to help nonprofit leaders develop the skills and strategies needed to boost their development strategies and build more meaningful relationships with donors. The Center also provides organizational management programs focused on strategic planning, data analytics and finance.


The Center’s approach to education is ideal for adult learners who want to learn in a collaborative and engaging environment. Elise explained, “Our participants benefit from the expertise of our Kellogg School and Northwestern faculty, the diverse perspectives of their peers and the opportunity to apply new knowledge and skills in practical settings.” The Center offers flexible formatting, including in-person and live virtual options, custom programs and free online modules, allowing participants to learn in the way that best suits them.

The Center offers 16 programs covering a wide range of topics, including fundraising, marketing, leadership, strategy, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), finance and talent management. “Our programs provide participants with rigorous and relevant tools and strategies for transformative leadership,” said Jennifer. The programs combine expert instruction, peer-based learning and various education techniques, including lecture, case studies and small group work.

The Center’s programs have had a global impact, with over 1500 organizations participating in our programs in 49 states and 39 countries. Elise and Jennifer attest this reach to the quality and relevance of their programs and their commitment to providing nonprofit leaders with the tools they need to make a lasting impact on the people and communities they serve.

If you’re a nonprofit leader looking to enhance your skills and impact, the Kellogg Center for Nonprofit Management is the perfect resource for you. For more information on how the Kellogg Center for Nonprofit Management can assist you and your organization, visit or email

This content was paid for and created by Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

The editorial staff of The Chronicle had no role in its preparation.

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